EDBT 2018: call for short research papers

The International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) is a leading international forum for database researchers, developers, and users to present cutting-edge ideas, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences related to data management. Data management is an essential enabling technology for scientific, business, and social communities. It is driven by the requirements of applications across many scientific, business and social communities, and runs on diverse technical platforms associated with the web, enterprises, clouds and mobile devices. The database community has a continuing tradition of contributing with models, algorithms and architectures to the set of tools and applications that enable day-to-day functioning of our societies. Faced with the challenges of todays applications, data management technology constantly broadens its reach, exploiting new hardware and software to achieve innovative results.

We invite the submission of short papers that present original, previously unpublished work. They provide an opportunity to describe significant work in progress or research that is best communicated interactively or graphically. Short papers may present speculative ideas, controversial research ideas, and new applications of known results. They should be inspirational and spark some discussion among attendees. Submissions are welcome in all areas related to data management as identified in the call for contributions on the conference website. Submissions will be peer reviewed, and accepted submissions will be published in the conference proceedings. Each accepted submission will be presented as a poster during a poster session where researchers obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide audience.

Topics of Interest for Short Research Papers

We welcome papers on topics including, but not limited to::

  • Availability, Reliability, and Scalability
  • Big Data Storage, Processing and Transformation
  • Complex Event Processing and Data Streams
  • Concurrency Control, Recovery, and Transaction Management
  • Data Management in Clouds
  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  • Data Quality, Curation, and Provenance
  • Data Warehousing, Large-Scale Analytics, and ETL Tools
  • Emerging Hardware and In-memory Databases
  • Graph Databases and Semantic web
  • Heterogeneous Databases, Data Integration
  • Middleware and Workflow Management
  • Parallel, Distributed and Grid Data Management
  • Privacy, Trust and Security in Databases
  • Query Processing and Optimization
  • Scientific and Statistical Databases
  • Semi-Structured and Linked Data Management
  • Sensor and Mobile Data Management
  • Social Networks and Crowdsourcing
  • Spatial, Temporal, and Geographic Databases
  • Text Databases and Information Retrieval
  • Tuning, Monitoring, Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation
  • User Interfaces and Data Visualization
  • Visionary

Please note that we also invite the submission of visionary papers. Visionary papers provide a forum for the identification and discussion of new or emerging areas, innovative or risky approaches, or emerging applications that will require extensions to established techniques. A visionary paper does not have to include results already but should:

  • Describe an area in which there is a need for significant new results; the vision articulated should be for research that may take years to investigate fully, and for which there may be scope for a variety of approaches.
  • Motivate research in the area by making it clear that there are challenging problems to be solved, and that the solutions to these problems would be valuable.
  • Motivate future research in the area by making the case that there is a need for substantial technical contributions, such as the provision of new theoretical foundations, the development of new techniques or architectures, or the creation of new communities.
  • Visionary papers are reviewed by the same program committee as research papers. Visionary papers must be marked accordingly, by stating "Visionary" as subtitle in the submitted PDF, as well as by choosing "Visionary" as primary subject area.

    Short research papers and visionary papers have a page limit of 4 pages.

    Submission Guidelines

    All submissions will be electronic via CMT (see link). .

    Short research papers and visionary papers have a page limit of 4 pages.

    Conflicts of interest (COI)

    When submitting a short research paper, the submission site will request information about conflicts of interest of the paper’s authors with program committee (PC) members. It is the full responsibility of all authors of a paper to identify all and only their PC members they have a COI with as defined below. Papers with incorrect or incomplete COI information at the time when submission closes are rejected.

    A paper author has a conflict of interest with a PC member when, and only when, one or more of the following conditions holds:

    • The PC member is a co-author of the paper.
    • The PC member has been a co-worker in the same company or university within the past two years.
    • The PC member has been a collaborator within the past two years.
    • The PC member is or was the author's primary thesis advisor, no matter how long ago.
    • The author is or was the PC member's primary thesis advisor, no matter how long ago.
    • The PC member is a relative or close personal friend of the author.

    Duplicate submissions and novelty requirements

    A short research paper submitted to EDBT 2018 cannot be under review for any other publishing forum or presentation venue, including conferences, workshops, and journals, during the time it is being considered for EDBT. Furthermore, after you submit a short research paper to EDBT, you must await the response from EDBT and only resubmit elsewhere if your paper is rejected (or withdrawn at your request) from EDBT.

    All short research papers submitted to EDBT 2018 must present substantial novel research not described in any prior publication. A prior publication is either (a) a paper of five pages or more presented, or accepted for presentation, at a refereed conference or workshop with proceedings or (b) an article published, or accepted for publication, in a refereed journal. If a EDBT 2018 submission has overlap with a prior publication, the submission must cite the prior publication.

    Any violation of this policy will result in the immediate rejection of the submission.

    Length, file type, and formatting

    Length: Short research papers and visionary papers have a page limit of 4 pages (including references and appendices).

    File type: Each research paper is to be submitted as a single PDF file, formatted for A4 paper and no more than 5 MB in file size. Submitted papers must print without difficulty on a variety of printers, using Adobe Acrobat Reader. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their submitted PDF file will print easily on simple default configurations.

    Formatting: Research papers must follow the ACM Proceedings Format. Please make sure you are using the latest 2017 version. Modified ACM LaTeX2e style files with ISBN and copyright information for EDBT 2018 can be downloaded here: acmart-edbt2018.cls, sample-edbt2018.pdf, sample-edbt2018.tex. The font size, margins, inter-column spacing, and line spacing in the templates must be kept unchanged.

    Any submitted paper violating the length, file type, or formatting requirements will be rejected without review.

    Important Dates

    The conference will take place on March 26–29, 2018.

    For short research papers, the submission deadlines of EDBT 2018 are as follows:

    Paper Notification Camera-ready copy
    November 24, 2017 December 22, 2017 January 29, 2018

    Deadlines expire at 5pm, PT.

    We very much look forward to your submissions.

    Michael Böhlen, PC Chair
    Reinhard Pichler, General Chair

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